Chaos anw-1 Read online

Page 9

  Geneva, Switzerland — The death toll directly related to the Cape Town flu has risen to over 5,000 in South Africa reports the World Health Organization in a statement issued today. “The number of confirmed cases has climbed to over 50,000 and is really now beyond our capabilities to contain,” Dr. Wilhelm Schoff said in a press interview. “Our resources to combat this virus are stretched to the limit.”

  Atlanta, Georgia — The CDC has expanded it’s travel warning to include European travel. “With over 10,000 reported cases of Cape Town flu within Western Europe, we feel it is necessary to expand our scope,” reported Dr. Wendy Johnson from within the CDC. “We are continuing to focus our efforts on finding a vaccine and anti-viral drugs to combat this new deadly flu pandemic. It is only a matter of time before cases are reported within the border of the United States.”

  You know, it really does seem like these outbreaks and epidemics are becoming part of normal life. It seems they are much closer together in epidemic proportions as opposed to the once usual twenty year epidemics. Maybe it is just a matter of time before one becomes a deadly force that sweeps over the world. I always thought that the more we messed with stuff and pressed deeper into unexplored areas of the world, the more deadly the viruses would become. And, the more we use and depend on anti-viral drugs, the less we will actually be able to combat those deadly strains.


  Washington DC — The death toll from the Cape Town flu continues to climb. In an unconfirmed report, the estimated death toll from this deadly virus has reached 20,000. The number of cases has climbed to an estimated 250,000 worldwide with cases being reported in almost every major country. The first cases have now been reported in Los Angeles and New York.

  The House and Senate are meeting to pass emergency legislation authorizing funds for vaccine research. The expectations are……..

  Atlanta, Georgia — The CDC has confirmed reports of the first cases of Cape Town flu within the United States. “We have eight confirmed cases within Los Angeles and ten within New York,” reports Dr. Wendy Johnson of the CDC. “We expect this number to rise over the next few days and weeks.”

  The CDC reports the symptoms to look for with the Cape Town virus are nausea, headache, sore throat, and fever. “What really makes this one different is the extremely high fever associated with the Cape Town flu,” said Dr. Johnson. “We have reported temperatures reaching 104 degrees which puts us into a danger zone. If you have any of these symptoms, please report them to your nearest medical facility at the first sign.”

  I really have to stop reading this stuff, I thought noticing Lynn had come online. We talk about it some but are both under the impression that there is a fair share of media hype involved. Yes, we both think the numbers are pretty high and it is perhaps fairly dangerous if your immune system is not up to par. She even told me there are a few people in her unit and other surrounding units that are getting sick. She has even had to pull extra shifts to cover those sick. More of an annoyance than any fear.

  Washington DC — Both the House and Senate passed an emergency funding bill authorizing vaccine research for the deadly Cape Town virus that has truly reached pandemic proportions. The bill authorizes government health officials to use every means at their disposal to find a remedy to this threat.

  Federal government health organizations have formed a coalition with 7 major worldwide pharmaceutical corporations to combine efforts in order to…….

  Oh boy! Here we go!

  Washington DC — Federal health officials issued a statement today that, with the combined efforts of the world’s major pharmaceutical corporations and government experts, that a viable vaccine has been discovered to combat the Cape Town flu virus.

  “With over 100,000 confirmed deaths worldwide, and, with an estimation of that many deaths within the United States alone, this couldn’t come soon enough,” said Senator Jesse McCaffery in a statement issued by his office.

  FDA approval of this vaccine within days is expected as this vaccine is expedited through the approval process…… the military will be the first to receive this vaccine with it becoming available to the general public as soon as 24 hours later. Special clinics and locations are now set up in locations around the world and are now only awaiting the FDA approval and arrival of the vaccine. A list of facilities can be found in your area at http://……….

  I am not taking this when it comes around, I think reading the story in a fit of boredom. I have not had a flu shot, well, since the Air Force and I don’t plan on taking this one. The flu shots I have had generally made me sicker than the actual flu itself so, no flu shot for me.

  These are the last thoughts I have before succumbing to sleep. I find myself lying in a boat on the water, drifting slowly in the lake. The boat rocks gently as I stare up at the blue sky above. The sun shines on my face, its warmth caressing me. The boat is not rocking in a constant motion but more in sporadic waves. A rocking, then nothing, then another after a moment. I stare into the blue sky to see an eagle soaring above me. I hear its screech as it rides the winds. It wheels and circles back around dropping lower until its shadow is large across me, blotting out the sun as it passes between it and me. Calling out as it passes by.

  “Dad,” it calls out. “Dad.” What the fuck, I think starting to sit up in the boat. I open my eyes to Robert gently shaking my shoulder and his flashlight staring straight into my eyes. “Dad,” he softly whispers once more.

  “Yeah, I’m up,” I reply back.

  “It’s two,” he says removing the light from my eyes.

  “Okay. Anything going on?” I whisper taking a moment to adjust to waking up. The radiant light from his flashlight illuminates the room slightly showing lumps on the floor around me like tiny hills.

  “No. It’s been completely quiet.”

  “Okay, I’m good. Get some sleep,” I tell him climbing out of my sleeping bag, grabbing my own flashlight, and sliding my Beretta into my holster. I inch along the floor on my butt to the wall, dragging my sleeping bag with, and drape the bag over my legs. It is a little chilly in the room after the warmth of being in the bag.

  Robert climbs into his bag and his light goes off. Everything is completely dark and I am not even sure I have my eyes open. I blink to make sure and things slowly become a lighter shade of darkness. The soft breathing of everyone sleeping come to my ears in the darkness. Robert moves in the gray darkness, adjusts the bag and drifts off. I remember the times when it was just him and I on our weekends and we would talk the night away about some story or another once the lights were out. We would probably be doing just that right now, talking about the day’s events, if it weren’t for the exhaustion that those events brought about. My mind drifts to Lynn, hoping she is truly okay, wanting to be there now, to what the future may hold, to the peacefulness of the dream, and once again to the beginning of all of this…..

  Washington DC — The Food and Drug Administration reports approval of the Cape Town flu vaccine. In a statement issued by the administration, the armed forces will be receiving the first vaccinations within the next 24 to 48 hours. Vaccinations will be available to the general public within 48 hours. Local flu shot locations can be found at http://…….

  “This is a worldwide effort and vaccinations will be delivered to all world countries at the same time it becomes available to the general public here in the United States,” reported a spokeswoman for the FDA.

  With the death tolls reported to reach over 200,000 and over one million confirmed cases worldwide, the lines at flu shot locations are expected to be long as fear of the virus spreads. “We have produced enough vaccine to inoculate approximately 75% of the world population with more being produced daily,” The FDA reports. “This is due to the world governments and major pharmaceutical corporations focusing their efforts the production of the Cape Town vaccine.

  I am so not going to ‘get my flu shot’ nor stand in line to do so. I don’t usually find myself in groups o
f people so I am not overly worried about getting the flu. I avoided all of the other ones to date and was sure I will not be getting this one either. More than likely, this will become old news once the vaccine has been distributed. I talked to Lynn that night, asking if she knew when she was getting hers. She mentioned they were required to get theirs within 48 hours of deliverance, the first of which were expected to be the next morning. She also mentioned there were an increasing number of people going to sick call, to the point she had to fill in double shifts and no longer had her usual day off. ‘Well, that sucks,’ I told her at the time. ‘That means we won’t have our usual long skype session.’

  “Are you going to get yours right off?” I asked.

  “I won’t have time tomorrow but will have to find time within the next couple of days.”

  Washington DC — The Pentagon reported that the first soldiers received the Cape Town vaccine yesterday as the first vaccines were administered to the general public today. While the death toll and reported cases continues to climb,……..

  In my talk with Lynn that night, she mentioned there were a lot of people who were reporting into sick call. This was annoying her because her unit was getting ready to deploy back to the states. The people who needed to be there and help with the deployment were not showing up and it was becoming a huge cluster fuck.

  Washington DC — The Pentagon today denied reports that service members were reporting into sick call in vast numbers. It also denied rumors that armed forces personnel have died as a result of either the Cape Town flu virus or the associated vaccine.

  “We do not release details of deaths until the next of kin have been notified,” a spokesman for the Pentagon said in an issued statement. “We can neither confirm nor deny reports at this time.”

  In my nightly talk with Lynn, I mentioned the article. She gave that look she always gives when she can’t talk about something. “I can only say that things are a little crazy around here right now,” she mentioned looking back over her shoulder.

  “Did you get your shot yet?” I asked.

  “No, but I am supposed to get it tomorrow. We were given an extra 24 hours to get it done as the waiting lines are huge. Did you get yours yet?”

  “Hell no,” I told her. “I don’t plan on it either.”

  “Well, you’re a big boy now and can make your own decisions.”

  “I love you!” I told her. “I can’t wait until you are back home.”

  “I love you too!” And that was the last I have heard from her.

  Washington DC — Rumors continue to circulate today about large numbers of deaths within the armed forces supposedly associated with the Cape Town flu vaccine. Other reports indicate violent attacks upon armed forces personnel by unknown assailants. In one report being circulated by various news sites, these personnel are being attacked by other service members.

  A news blackout has been enforced by the armed forces from all bases. The Pentagon has refused to comment……..

  Wow! What the hell! I tried to see if Lynn was online. Nothing. I tried her phone and sent a message via email. I even tried her army email address. I never use that one but I was a bit worried. So far, nothing back.

  A noise outside intrudes on my wondering thoughts. A shriek very similar to those I heard in my encounters with whatever these things are or have become. This one sounds far away; almost like the coyote howls I would hear on some nights. Lonely yet calling their message to others. Another one answers out in the distance of the night. I sit against the wall thinking about waking the others. I will if I hear them get any closer, I think listening for more sounds. Only the continued soft breathing intrudes upon the night. After a bit, my mind heads back……

  New York, NY — Hospitals have been swamped today with people reporting into emergency rooms citywide. Sore throats, headaches, and high fevers are being reported similar to those symptoms associated with the Cape Town flu. Sirens have been a constant sound within the city as emergency personnel respond to the numerous calls. City officials report that emergency resources have been stretched past the limit of being able to respond to any emergency in a timely fashion.

  Numerous deaths in the thousands have been reported within the city of New York alone. Other major cities across the United States and other countries are reporting similar stories. The death toll could possibly reach in the millions by the end of the day according to reports being received.

  Los Angeles, California — Fear has spread across this city as the reports of deaths and sicknesses continue to mount. Many businesses and government offices have shut down due to very few people showing up for work. Hospitals and clinics have been filled up since early this morning from people showing up with high fevers and flu-like symptoms. Most people are being sent home as emergency services are unable to cope with the sheer volume of the sick. This is a trend being seen nationwide.

  Attacks and riots have been reported within the city and in many of the outlining areas. The governor has called in the National Guard to restore order to the cities but response has been limited so far.

  Reports of people attacking others continue to mount with many deaths from these attacks reported.

  Atlanta, Georgia — The CDC has issued a joint statement with the FDA today recalling all of the Cape Town flu vaccines. All clinics and flu shot locations have been instructed to cease the administration of the vaccine.

  Washington DC — The Pentagon is continuing its media blackout and remains quiet refusing any comment. Rumors continue to circulate through the capital that the armed forces have established quarantine areas within its bases. Many rumors mention violent attacks by armed forces personnel.

  Schools and public service buildings have closed across the country until further notice. Many businesses…….

  I called the kids to see if they were alright. They said they were doing fine but I could tell they seemed a bit worried by all that was going on. I don’t have TV service and haven’t in a few years so they were probably getting quite inundated with reports. They told me even Shelton here has had reports of deaths and attacks but that was only hearsay. “Okay,” I said. “Don’t go anywhere if you can help it. I’ll see you this weekend.”

  Amsterdam, Netherlands — Reports coming out of the Netherlands capital city tonight are staggering. Government and emergency services seemed to have come to a standstill.

  “The infrastructure has collapsed,” commented one citizen standing in front of his home with his wife and two children standing beside him. “Riots and fires are burning out of control in some places. There has apparently been a number of attacks by others and even reports of cannibalism,” he mentioned shepherding his family back into their home.

  “I can confirm the reports of attacks on others,” one emergency worker commented while helping another worker lift a stretcher into the back of an ambulance. “Many of the people we are now responding to have bite marks taking gouges out of their flesh and report these attacks are being made by other people.”

  Deaths in the hundreds of thousands have been reported in the city. Government sources……..

  Washington DC — The Pentagon, after maintaining silence for the past 48 hours, has issued a statement today stating that it had established quarantines in many of its bases but that the quarantine has been breached. It admitted that it has lost contact with a majority of bases worldwide.

  Atlanta, Georgia — In a statement issued today, the CDC indicates that the Cape Town flu vaccine has apparently interacted with human DNA on a base level. These base level changes seem to invoke a violent reaction in those that have not succumbed to the vaccine. Preliminary figures indicate that the mortality rate from those that have received the vaccine at around 75 percent with a margin of plus or minus 5 %. The wide margin is due to the small amount of confirmed data currently present. Reports seem to indicate that approximately 1 percent of the population has a natural immunity.

  “The interesting thing we are seeing in thi
s data is that the natural immunity seems to be familial,” Dr. Roberta Kline said speaking from her desk inside the CDC. “That is, we are seeing that immunity bestow within family groups. We just don’t have enough data to fully support this but the preliminary figures seem to indicate this. Another interesting thing that is coming from our data is that the ones who are mutating due to the vaccine seem to have an aversion to light. Again, our data is limited and needs further study.”

  Seaside, Oregon — Fear has spread through this small Oregon coastal community as the number of attack and death reports continues to mount across the nation.

  “I have seen people attacking others in the middle of the night,” says one Seaside resident. “There only seems to be the dead, the sick, or those attacking around.”

  “They don’t look right,” chimes in another resident, “and they attack everything in sight.”

  It is at this point that a little notice appeared at the bottom right of my laptop. ‘Network Connection Lost’ it said on my network connection icon. I looked up at the router on top of my big screen TV to see most of the lights have gone dark. The link light was still blinking at me but the receive and send lights were dark. Damn! No Internet! That totally, totally sucks, I think as my phone rang. It was Robert on the line.

  “Hey, bud,” I said after pressing the send button.

  “Hey, Dad,” he whispered back.

  “Are you okay?”

  “There’s someone or something in the house,” he said. “I have Brianna and Nicole down in the basement with me. We can hear something moving around upstairs. I have the basement door shut.”